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Bem-vindo ao Terraria!

Se você está aqui então você provavelmente começou a jogar e se perguntou o quê você deve fazer (e talvez como evitar a morte). Ou talvez você não começou a jogar e está se perguntando por onde começar. De qualquer jeito, estamos aqui pra lhe ajudar. Todos têm de começar por algum lugar e já que todos nós já estivemos lá antes, fizemos este guia para lhe ajudar, desde sobreviver seus primeiros dias em Terraria, até onde ir depois disso.

Esse guia deve ajudar uma pessoa sem nenhum conhecimento sobre o jogo e transforma-la em um explorador de Terraria fide digno! E não se preocupe, nós não mordemos, mas cuidado com os monstros; talvez eles irão!

Modo de jogo

Na tela inicial de Terraria, escolha um modo de jogo, clicando Single Player (Um Jogador) ou Multiplayer (Multijogador).

Por enquanto, recomendamos que escolha Single Player para sua primeira experiência em Terraria, pois é o jeito mais fácil de aprender. De agora em diante, o Guia irá assumir que essa foi sua escolha.

Criação de Personagem


Tela de criação de personagem

Depois de escolher que modo jogar, clique em New (Novo) na tela de seleção de personagem para criar um personagem novo. Quando o fizer, verá todas as propriedades de personagem que poderá customizar.

Note: Nenhuma das configurações são mandatórias e você pode pular qualquer uma delas. Você pode até pular todas e ir diretamente para a próxima seção, Finalizando, abaixo.


As primeiras quatro propriedades de personagem mudam a aparência de seu personagem: Hair(Cabelo), Eyes(Olhos), Skin(Pele), e Clothes(Roupas). Nota: Essas configurações são puramente cosméticas e não afetam a jogatina.

  • O menu de roupas tem mais quatro opções para escolher. A cor de suas roupas podem ser mudadas durante a jogatina usando uma dresser(cômoda).
  • Para escolher as cores no menu, use as barras deslizantes que forem fornecidas.
  • A cor e o corte do cabelo podem ser mudadas depois com a ajuda do NPC Estilista.


As únicas diferenças entre personagens Machos e Fêmeas são sua aparência física, e som de quando são machucados. Nota: Você pode trocar o sexo de seu personagem após a criação usando uma Gender Change Potion (Poção de Troca de Sexo).


Um modo de Dificuldade do Personagem deve ser escolhido nas versões de PC e Console, mas na versão Mobile não há opção, e Softcore é escolhido por padrão. Nota: Para sua primeira experiência em Terraria, é recomendado deixar seu personagem no modo Softcore. É o modo mais fácil, e fará com que a sua experiência de aprendizado seja mais aproveitável.

A configuração de dificuldade de personagem determina apenas o que acontece quando seu personagem é morto - não afeta nenhum outro aspecto da jogatina, incluindo o quão difícil os inimigos serão.

  • Modo Softcore é a dificuldade mais fácil. Também é a dificuldade padrão apresentada ao jogador. Quando o personagem morre, ele irá largar metade das moedas carregadas com ele no chão. O resto do inventário continuará intacto, e quaisquer moedas largadas poderão ser recuperadas de onde foram deixadas.
  • Modo Mediumcore é o segundo modo apresentado ao jogador. Quando o personagem morre, todos os itens, moedas e munições cairão. Assim como as moedas, os itens largados podem ser recuperados de onde foram deixados. No entanto, em certas circunstancias os itens largados podem ser permanentemente destruídos (por exemplo, se caírem na lava).
  • Modo Hardcore é o modo mais dificil e severo apresentado ao jogador – ele é essencialmente permadeath (morte permanente). Todos os itens serão descartados, o personagem irá se transformar em um fantasma, e serão excluídos ao encerrar a sessão. Em um jogo multiplayer, outros jogadores podem ajudar a recuperar os itens deixados, porém, no modo singleplayer eles se perderão para sempre. Esse modo não é recomendado para os fins deste guia. (Nota: modo hardcore não é a mesma coisa que hardmode, que ocorre em estágios posteriores em qualquer dificuldade.)


  • Clique em Create (Criar) para confirmar a criação do personagem e com as configurações que você escolheu (ou padrões, caso nada tenha sido alterado).
  • A próxima tela pede para você inserir o nome do personagem, então escreva um nome e clique em Accept (aceitar).

Na lista de seleção de personagem, escolha seu personagem. A tela de seleção de mundo, irá aparecer.

Criação de mundo

Selecione new (novo). Você será apresentado à 3 opções de tamanhos de mundo: Small (Pequeno), Medium (Médio), e Large (Grande)

  • Mundos pequenos são relativamente compactos. Os oceanos são mais próximos do ponto inicial, além de não serem tão fundos. A Corrupção / Crimson (áreas difíceis e perigosas) estarão em apenas um ou dois lugares.
  • Mundos médios estão entre o mundo pequeno e grande em relação ao tamanho. Um novo jogador ao viajar para as “bordas” do mapa, levará cerca de 1 dia de jogo (15 minutos em tempo real).
  • Mundos grandes são verdadeiramente enormes. Para alcançar as seções mais profundas do mapa demorará um pouco, e vários dias para os oceanos. A Corrupção / Crimson aparecerão em 3 à 4 lugares.

Nós recomendamos que você crie um mundo pequeno caso seja sua primeira experiência no Terraria. Mundos médios e grandes proporcionarão mais espaço para exploração, que você provavelmente vai querer uma vez que tenha ganho alguma experiência, mas como um novato você irá querer menos distância para viajar. Não se preocupe, mundos pequenos ainda são grandes, principalmente para iniciantes – Uma exploração completa pode facilmente levar muitos dias de jogo na vida real.

Na lista de seleção de mundo, escolha seu mundo para carregar o jogo

Agora finalmente está na hora de entrar no Terraria!

Começando o jogo

Terraria start

Uma amostra de mundo no Terraria.

Ao entrar em um mundo, pela primeira vez, seu personagem irá aparecer (ser colocado no jogo) no centro do mapa, assim você tem metade do mundo para explorar para a esquerda, e metade para a direita. Este local é conhecido como o Ponto de Spawn (ou simplesmente, o "Spawn") e será onde seu personagem irá aparecer cada vez que entrar no mundo. A maioria dos Pontos de Spawn iniciais estão localizadas em biomas de Floresta, mas às vezes em um bioma Glacial também.

Nota: O Ponto de Spawn pode ser mudado depois usando as Beds (camas), mas vamos chegar nisso depois.

Primeiro vamos ver um pouco dos comandos do jogo.

Movimentação e Atalhos

A movimentação do jogo, por padrão, usa o teclado, enquanto a maioria das interações, como quebrar blocos, construir e lutar, usam o mouse. Essas configurações podem ser alteradas no menu de configurações antes de entrar em um mundo (você pode até mesmo jogar no controle, se possuir um), mas vamos considerar que você não modificou as configurações padrão.

  • A faz o personagem andar para esquerda
  • D faz o personagem andar para a direita.
  • Barra de Espaço faz o personagem pular
  • S faz o personagem cair de plataformas e descer cordas.
  • W faz o personagem subir em cordas.
  • Botão Esquerdo do mouse usa o item selecionado na "hotbar" (aquela que possui 10 espaços que se encontra no canto superior esquerdo da tela). Se a opção "autopause" estiver desligada, você poderá até abrir o inventário (atalho "Esc"), pegar um item e clicar com o botão esquerdo para usá-lo. Alguns itens tem uso contínuo caso você segure o botão esquerdo, mas a maioria possui uso único.
  • Botão Direito do mouse interage com o mundo, como, por exemplo, abrir portas ou ativar certos mecanismos. O ponteiro do mouse pode mudar dependendo do item que pode ser interagido.
  • Tecla Shift Vai automaticamente colocar tochas (é necessário clicar com o botão esquerdo enquanto segura o atalho), minerar blocos (não é necessário ter uma pickaxe [picareta] na Hotbar), e uma variedades de outras coisas.
  • Control vai acionar o "smart cursor", que vai quebrar blocos automaticamente dependendo da ferramenta usada. Pickaxes (picaretas) vão quebrar blocos em direção ao cursor, enquanto hammers (martelos) vão quebrar as paredes dentro de um círculo em volta do personagem. Axes (machados) vão alvejar a parte mais baixas das árvores.

Hotbar e Inventário

A hotbar

No canto superior esquerdo da tela, terá dez caixas numeradas de 1 a 0 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 e 0). Esses são espaços especiais do inventário, a Hotbar, ela contém os itens que você tem acesso, Pressione "Esc" para ver o resto do inventário (se a opção "autopause" estiver ligada, isso vai pausar o jogo). O inventário está vazio agora, já que você não encontrou nenhum item ainda, mas não se preocupe, logo mais você achará mais do que pode carregar. Pressione "Esc" novamente para fechar o inventário.

Todos os personagens criados começam com um padrão de itens na Hotbar, sendo esses uma: Copper Pickaxe (Picareta de Cobre), a Copper Axe (Machado de Cobre) e uma Copper Shortsword (Espada Curta de Cobre)Desktop onlyConsole onlyWooden Sword(Espada de Madeira)Mobile only.

  • A Copper Pickaxe é uma ferramenta usada para escavar blocos, bem como quebrar itens colocados como móveis. Quando selecionado, mantenha pressionado o botão esquerdo do mouse para usá-lo continuamente. O Copper Axe é uma ferramenta usada para derrubar árvores para obter madeira. Quando selecionado, mantenha pressionado o botão esquerdo do mouse para usá-lo continuamente. A Copper Shortsword é uma arma usada para atacar os inimigos. Algumas armas podem ser usadas continuamente ("autofire") enquanto outras exigem um clique para cada ataque. O slot do item atualmente selecionado na hotbar será um pouco maior que os outros slots e terá uma cor de fundo destacada, com o nome do item listado acima da hotbar. Este item será usado quando você clicar no botão esquerdo do mouse. A seleção atual pode ser alterada por:
  1. Pressionando a tecla chave correspondente ao número indicado na caixa ao canto esquerdo superior
  2. Usando a roda do mouse
  3. Clicando no slot com o ponteiro

If you do not want to accidentally click on other hotbar slots (the third feature), you can lock the hotbar by clicking on the padlock button to the left of the hotbar while the inventory is open. To toggle the feature back on simply click on the padlock one more time to unlock it again.

Rearranging the hotbar

  • Items on the hotbar can only be changed when the inventory is open. This is accomplished with 2 clicks, once to pick up the item and another to drop it.

Try it now with the Copper Axe: open the inventory, and bring the mouse pointer over the axe and click on it. If you move the mouse pointer now you will see the axe attached to it. Point to one of the empty slots in the lower portion of the inventory, and click once more to place the axe down in the slot. What you've done is moved an item from the hotbar into a storage slot. Items in storage slots cannot be used directly when the inventory is closed, unlike items in the hotbar - they are simply being carried by your character.

Move the axe back to a hotbar slot. While the inventory is open you may pick up and rearrange the items in the hotbar to your liking. Later in the game when you acquire more items you'll have to decide which items to have accessible in the hotbar, while everything else is put into storage. Generally you'll want your best Tools and Weapons in the hotbar, along with at least one Light Source, and one type of Blocks.

The inventory

Below the hotbar is the remainder of the inventory. 10 hotbar slots plus 40 inventory storage slots give you a total of 50 slots. Additionally, you have a trash slot, and columns of 4 slots apiece for coins and ammunition.

On the lower right is a separate section for equipment and accessories, while below left is the Crafting section. For the purposes of this guide these sections will be ignored - you can look them up later in the detailed Inventory article.

Outros Elementos da Interface

    • Os corações vermelhos ao lado do inventário indicam a Vida(HP) do personagem. Todos os personagens começam com 100HP (indicados por cinco corações) e atualmente pode ir até aos 400 via Cristais de Vida, E então mais impulsionado a 500 com Frutas de Vida. O HP começa a regenerar após um curto período de não tomar mais danos. Ficando parado ainda aumenta a taxa de regeneração.
    • A estrela azul no lado direito da tela indica Mana(MP) do personagem. Novos personagens começam com 20MP, representado por uma estrela. Como o mana máxima é aumentada (usando Cristais de Mana), estrelas adicionais serão exibidos abaixo do original. Mana regenera logo após que o uso de mana é interrompido, e a uma taxa muito mais rápida de linha de base em comparação com a regeneração de HP. Nota: Para mais detalhes sobre a saúde e mana, consulte os respectivos artigos.

The First Day

Após carregar o mundo com suas características você irá surtir em um ponto próximo a um NPC, que é o Guia[Guide]. Falecom ele se você quiser, he has some tips for new players, and will show you the available crafting recipes if you show him an item.

Let's try out the tools you start with.

Digging and placing things

Start by selecting the Copper Pickaxe in the hotbar. Move the mouse pointer over some nearby Dirt or Stone, then click and hold the left mouse button to use the pickaxe to hit each block several times. The blocks will be freed, and if you're close enough they will be automatically picked up by your character. Notice that the blocks you picked up are now displayed in another slot of your hotbar. Continue until you have at least 5 or so blocks. The number of blocks in the slot is indicated by the number displayed there.

That's how to dig stuff! Easy, wasn't it? On to building!

Select a hotbar slot that contains blocks, and left click in an empty space near your character to place a block. Note that you need to place blocks on top of existing blocks, they cannot be placed free-floating in mid-air (unless there is a background wall they can adhere to). If you've done this correctly, a block from your hotbar should fall into place with a "thump". Try placing another block on top of the one you just placed, then try holding the left mouse button while you move the pointer, to continually place connecting blocks. (Your character must be close enough to place the blocks - if you are too far away nothing will happen.)

You can remove any previously placed blocks by digging them back out with your pickaxe, even the block originally connecting to the ground - blocks above it will not fall due to gravity. This is true for most blocks except for a small handful like sand and silt, which do fall when there are no supporting blocks below them.

You probably noticed the nearby NPC - that would be the Guide, he dispenses tips and reminds you of available crafting recipes if shown an item.

Okay, let's find something to do!

Building a Home...

Terraria house

A basic house for the first night in Terraria

While it's fun to run around exploring, it would be nice to have a base of operations, right? Somewhere to store the inevitable hoard of loot you will amass, as well as a place for shelter. The latter is especially important for NPCs because they will only move in (or respawn after being killed) if there is a place for them to stay. So let's start by building a house for the Guide.

Once you've obtained around 100 pieces of wood, find a nice level spot of land - use the pickaxe to flatten the ground and fill any holes with the dirt blocks you dug up. Time to get cracking!

All you need to do is follow the steps shown in the image gallery.

1) Start by placing wood on the ground to make the floor of the house, then add the walls and ceiling. Make sure it's at least 4 blocks high. Don't worry about background walls or doors yet. The size isn't terribly important as long as it's not too small.

By the way, you can even use dirt blocks as building material if you're afraid of running out of wood. Trees can be replanted (using the acorns they drop when you chop one down), but they take some time to grow.

2) That box is nowhere near as enticing as it seems (even if it actually keeps enemies from reaching you), so you'll have to do some crafting to turn it into a habitable structure.

Expand the inventory and look down at the bottom left corner of the interface. This is the crafting corner, which will display what items you may currently craft. Its contents will change based on what you are carrying, and which Crafting stations you are standing close to.

Even though you do not have any crafting stations yet, there are a few basic crafting recipes available. Assuming you have extra wood and some gel (from killing slimes), you should see crafting available for making Torches, Wood Platforms, and a Work Bench. The work bench is an important item because it is the first crafting station available to you.

3) Click on it to make it the current craft recipe selection, or scroll to it using the mouse wheel, then click once more on it to create one. A work bench will automatically be crafted from your store of wood and placed in your inventory.

4) Move the work bench to a hotbar slot so you can place it down on the floor of the house.

Now that you have a crafting station (the work bench you just placed down), there will be additional crafting recipes available to you when you stand near it and open up the crafting interface.

  • Clicking and holding the right mouse button on the item to craft allows you to continuously create multiples of the same item.

With a work bench in place, let's make a few more items:

  • Wooden Hammer – requires: 8 wood. Use the hammer to knock out any background dirt walls that may have been left after the construction of the home. While back walls serve to prevent monsters from spawning (appearing) inside a home, naturally occurring walls do not.

Next, create a door for the house so that it can be entered without needing to leave a permanent hole in the wall open.

5) Wooden Door – requires: 6 wood. Dig out one side of the house and place the door there.

Doors can be opened and closed by right clicking on them, and the direction the door will open is based on the direction the character is facing. All NPCs can open doors, while monsters cannot except during events like Blood Moons or invasions. Some monsters can bash down doors though - in general, doors are not foolproof against monsters.

Still looks like a rather breezy box, doesn't it? The next step in building is to craft and place some background walls. This also prevents monsters from spawning inside.

6) Wood Wall - requires 1 wood per 4 pieces of wall. For seamless visual looks walls need to be placed overlapping each other, so you'll actually need more than first impressions suggest. No cracks should exist either, so walls will have to be placed overlapping the blocks making up the frame of the house as well. Fortunately most wall recipes create multiple pieces; the 1:4 ratio is common. For now, use up 20 pieces of wood to create 80 pieces of wood wall.

Looks better even if it's still a box, now with a door. We're almost done - all that's left is some furniture and lighting. After all nobody wants to stand around in the dark, not even NPCs.

If you haven't already, craft several torches and place a couple of them in the house. Torches last forever, and they're very useful as markers indicating where you've explored, so later on when you have enough wood and gel make sure to create a whole stack (99) of them. Finally, no house is considered NPC-suitable without a chair and a table, so craft one of each and place them in the house.

7) Let's check if this house is now ready to be occupied. Open the inventory interface, then over to the right in the equipment slots click on the Housing icon. Click on the big white question mark sign, then move the pointer to anywhere in the interior of the house and click. If the house is acceptable, you will get a message in yellow font saying so in the lower left of the screen.

8) Now that the house is considered valid, let's tell the Guide to move in. In the housing section, look below the question mark sign - you'll see a portrait of all NPCs present in the world. Currently there is only 1, the Guide. Click on this portrait, then click anywhere in the interior of the house (just like placing an item). Voila! This house now belongs to the Guide.

When night falls, all NPCs will return to their designated houses and stop moving. NPCs without housing will mill around warily - generally this doesn't happen because NPCs only spawn into a world when their requirements are met in addition to there being an empty house for them to move into. Still, it's possible to dismantle a house after an NPC moves in, leaving them stranded - for example, if you demolished their house in order to build a better replacement. You can temporarily surround them with blocks of dirt to prevent monsters from reaching them.

While it may feel humiliating to be forced to hide in a hole blocked up with dirt, rest assured that we've all been there. Hey, at least you'll survive to see the next sunrise.

Now it's time to do some exploring (and killing!)

... And Defending it


The red numbers are the damage dealt to the character; the orange numbers are the damage done to monsters

While making a home, the player may have fought off and dispatched several Slimes. However, there is a small chance that your first day went by without a single monster spawning. Here, the guide will show players how to fight in Terraria. During the night, you will find many sorts of Demon Eye and zombies. As they are hard to slaughter in the beginning, you'll find many more weapons making it easier to kill zombies, demon eyes, and many more mobs. But for now, let's stick to the basics.

  • When wielding a tool or weapon, left clicking will cause the weapon to swing, or be thrown in the case of a Boomerang, Shuriken or Throwing Knife, or shoot an arrow in the case of a Bow.
  • A dedicated weapon is usually the best and with the leftover wood that was gathered from earlier, the player can create a Wooden Sword (7 pieces of wood) at the Workbench to replace the Copper Shortsword.
    • The Wooden Sword deals more damage.
    • The Wooden Sword, like other broadswords, is swung overhand in an arc rather than just being stabbed forward. This allows it to protect the player from far more angles of attack, which is important as Slimes move by jumping around, and may often attack from above.

Taking damage and dying will be an inevitable part of early life in Terraria.

  • At the start of the game, a good way to gain health is by eating Mushrooms. When a mushroom is found, simply swing a weapon or a tool at it. It can then be picked up and consumed to recover 15 health.
    • Consumables like these have a 60 second cooldown between uses, so it's a good idea to avoid taking damage as much as you can.
  • The effects of death can be lessened by periodically depositing all money and items into a Chest or a Piggy Bank at home, where they will remain safely regardless of an unfortunate demise.

Depending on the time of day, there will be different kinds of enemies. All monsters in the game drop Coins in addition to a possibility of a monster type specific drop. The three monsters listed below will drop a few Copper Coins and rarely some Silver Coins, which are used later to buy supplies from NPCs.

During the day:

  • Slimes are prevalent during the day hours, and will drop Gels, which are used to create Torches. There are a couple of slimes that can spawn, and most can be killed in a few swings.

During the night:

  • Zombies are aggressive and will try to get to the character whenever they can. They may drop Shackles, which are an Accessory that provide one defense.
  • Demon Eyes will float around and occasionally try to ram the character. They will drop Lenses, which are useful for later down the road. If the player manages to collect 2 lenses they can craft Goggles. They give one defense.

There are events that periodically happen to the player that can add extra challenges to the game. At first, there is only one event that the player will have to deal with: The Blood Moon.

  • Blood Moons are random events that can happen anytime night is approaching and it isn't a new moon, and at least one player ingame has over 120 life. (Having over 100 life also allows the Nurse NPC to spawn. How to get a higher maximum life comes later.)
  • Players are notified of this with the message 'The Blood Moon is rising...'. During this time, Zombies will swarm in greater numbers and will have the ability to open doors.
  • To safely wait out a Blood Moon, just place a block on the inside of the door. Zombies cannot destroy blocks, so they will not be able to get in.
  • Additionally, putting furniture around doors can prevent zombies from entering.
  • You can also dig a 1 deep 2 wide hole outside, just to the side of the door, the zombies will not break the door down, because they are too low.
  • The Blood Moon article has more strategies for offense as well as more tips on defense.


Ore Types

1. Ore types from left to right: Stone, Copper, Iron, Silver and Gold

Air Pocket

2. Digging out an air pocket.

Gapped Bridge

3. A gapped bridge, also a Mother Slime.

It's time to begin the wonderful process that is getting upgrades, as there are no advancement paths apart from the power that comes from better gear. However, a Workbench will not be enough to craft our gear; a Furnace is needed. A Furnace will serve to transform Ore into Bars (and can also be used to make glass and ceramic items), which are the main building materials of weapons, tool, and armor . Venture out and find deposits of Stone, and mine up at least 20 blocks of stone. Torches are also needed for creating a Furnace, so make sure to kill a few slimes to get a bit of Gel. Finally, a small bit of Wood is all that's needed. Head to the Workbench and craft a Furnace, then place it down.

Ore is a fundamental material in Terraria, and in order to survive the later sections of the game you will forge and create a lot of Bars. While exploring the world keep an eye out for odd colored blocks as these will most likely be ore deposits. The picture to the right (1) shows the five most common types of ore and stone.

We also need to make an Iron Anvil or Lead Anvil (some worlds will have lead instead of iron; iron and lead are identical except for appearance and name). Anvils are used to create items from Bars. Go out and find some Iron Ore or Lead Ore. In order to smelt one Iron Bar/Lead Bar, three Iron/Lead ore must be present. As we need five bars total; to successfully create the Anvil we need 15 Iron/Lead Ore. Once the ore is gathered and smelted at the Furnace, head to the workbench and create an Iron/Lead Anvil (you can also buy an anvil from a Merchant for 50 silver). When placed down (preferably next to the Furnace) an entire new set of Recipes become available. The surface has its share of ore, but in order to get the best items in the game, you have to dig a bit deeper.

It is highly advisable to begin gathering materials for a few Buffs. A fresh character on a new map can quickly gather Sand and Daybloom necessary for some early buff potions, as well as the Daybloom Seeds and Clay used to begin Gardening with Clay Pots. All Buff potions use Bottled Water, at least one of the six Herbs, and in most cases another item such as Ore, enemy drops, or other naturally occurring objects. Two of the earliest buffs that can be easily concocted are the Regeneration Potion and the Ironskin Potion, and for the early game can significantly improve your survivability.

Cave exploration

There are a few options when choosing how to dig: Digging straight down or searching for an open cave to explore. At this early stage in the game use caution when digging holes. Using the blocks picked up while digging or creating Wood Platforms, you can construct a way back. Another thing to watch out for is deep caverns. When falling great distances the character will take damage.

When underground there will be no light. To illuminate your area and see, you can hold a torch in your hand by putting a torch stack in your hotbar and selecting it. However, you will be unable to use anything else while holding the torch. You can stick a torch on a wall or on the ground by left clicking where you want to place it. This will not only let you see mobs so you can fight them, but you can leave behind a trail of torches to see mobs coming at a greater distance, mark the way back out, and show where and how far you've gone if you come back to the same cave to explore further. In addition to placing torches, you can throw one (the T button by default), which is useful for seeing what's at the bottom of a pit, and how far down it goes (unlike with all other items in the game, throwing a torch only throws one item in the stack, instead of the whole stack).

When exploring caves you will frequently come across pots. You can smash these with a weapon or tool to get some loot. Less common are chests and golden chests. When you are near or in front of a chest you can right click, which will show your inventory and below your inventory the contents of the chest. You can click on a chest item to grab it, then click again on an inventory square to put it in your inventory. Alternatively, you could click "Loot All" to the right of the chest contents grid to grab everything in the chest. Once the chest is empty you can repeatedly hit it with your pickaxe in order to pick it up and take it with you, and then place it elsewhere like you'd place any other piece of furniture (if the chest isn't completely empty then it will remain there no matter how many times you hit it). It's recommended that you take a few of the chests you find back to your house to store stuff with, since crafting your own chest or barrel uses Iron Bars, and you'll want to save up your iron for other purposes.

Another thing you'll run into underground is cobwebs, which slow you down when you try to move through them. You can cut them down with any weapon or tool and then pick them up. Harvested cobweb can be turned into silk, which is used to make a bed, which can be used to change your spawn point. Silk can also be used to make some type of decorative items and vanity clothing, or can be sold for two silver coins a piece if you need money. Harvested cobweb itself can be placed like furniture or a torch (select it and left click), either for use as decoration, or placed at the bottom of a tall pit to break your fall for preventing fall damage.

While mining underground it is possible to come across pools of water. Torches do not work underwater. Glowsticks work underwater, but they cannot be crafted and must be found at this stage of the game. Also, they cannot be attached to blocks. You can throw them, but they will bounce and move around and may be hard to place exactly where you want them. You can craft Sticky Glowsticks anywhere by combining Gel with a Glowstick; these will stick to walls when thrown, making them easier to place. No matter which you use, however, glowsticks are not permanent when thrown, unlike placed torches, though they do last for 5 minutes.

Also note that just as with other projectiles, a glowstick should be thrown with the attack command.

The default button to "throw" an item is the "T" button, but using this method the entire stack of glowsticks will be thrown. Using the throw command is for dropping a stack of the item from your inventory on the ground. Instead, you should use the attack command, which throws an individual glowstick.

When stepping into a pool of water the character will sink as if weighted down. Don't fear diving down underwater to continue moving downwards, as the character has a rather large air meter. However, if close to running out of air there is a way to regain air quickly. First either find a wall or make a small shaft at the bottom of the water. (The shaft should be around 10 squares deep) Then dig a 3 high 1 wide hole in the wall and then a 4-6 high and 2 or more wide hole in this wall. The water will not fill the upper squares. As the air supply runs low jump into the hole. This will restart the meter. (2)

There are many deep chasms inside the caves. An efficent way to traverse them is to create a gapped bridge (3). To do this create a background wall of any material. Stone and dirt will be in excess so those are recommended. Place a strip as far as the character can reach then build stepping stones at least one block apart. There are two benefits to this:

  • Light can still reach below the blocks.
  • Most enemies cannot actually pass through the blocks.

Note that the character cannot pass through the one space gaps either; so it would be a good idea to leave an opening somewhere along the bridge.


Now that you've learned how to play and survive, the best thing to do would be to simply continue playing, discovering new things on your own. If you do get stuck, find something you're unsure about, or simply want detailed information about one of your items, look up what you need on the wiki. It may be handy to check the Armor or Weapons pages for info on what direction to head next. You might also want to look at the pages about the Bosses of the game so you know what your long term task will be. And remember, you can play the game your way, so don't feel bound by the information on this wiki.


  • Exiting the game then re-entering the world will bring you back to your spawn point.
  • It's best to build your base close to the original spawn point so you have less trouble returning to it at night or if you respawn.
  • When digging very deep, it's convenient to leave a way back up. The cheapest way would be to leave blocks jutting out on alternate side of the passage as a makeshift ladder.
  • Torches last forever so bring plenty along and place them liberally when going mining and exploring.
  • Avoid the Corruption / Crimson early on as they contain tough enemies.

More information

For more advanced information, please check out the guides listed below.

Crafting 101 - This is the introductory crafting guide. It contains a detailed explanation of how crafting works, and the ideal crafting station setup.

NPCs - There are more NPCs than just the Guide that you'll want to make homes for.

Bases - How to create an effective homebase.

Mining techniques - This guide goes into detail on easy and efficient ways to mine ore, and what to expect when venturing deeper into Terraria.

Gardening - How to grow gardens of Trees, Mushrooms, and other less savory things. This is a wonderful guide for learning how to properly organize and maintain a garden.

List of Weapons - All the weapons you might find on your travels will be explained here.

PvP - A great place to start when looking for information on Player vs. Player combat. Not quite for beginners, however it's a great read for those who would like to study beforehand.

Eye of Cthulhu Boss Fight - One of the few Bosses a player might run up against early on in their worlds.

List of Bosses - A list of all the Bosses players will come in contact with in their worlds. Bosses are powerful monsters that have a lot of health and do devastating damage to the unprepared.
